Services We Provide
Individuals & Households
Personal Assistance
- Help pay for excessive debt.
- Financial assistance for needs.
- Food and clean water.
- Help find resources.
Medical Assistance
- Help pay for excessive medical debt.
- Help get medical equipment for daily living or improve quality of life.
- Help find medical resources.
Welfare & Safety
- Help pay for legal representation.
- Help find legal representation.
- Financial assistance for survivors.
- Help find resources and support.
Call your countries emergency number if you are in an emergency or immediate danger. We are required to honor law enforcement subpoenas and requests.
Businesses & Charities
FINANCIAL Assistance And Grants
- Help budding entrepreneurs fund their business.
- Economic Relief to help maintain the business or employment for staff.
- Funds to expand existing businesses.
Support And Resources
- We can mentor you using our own personal experiences.
- Help find resources to help you with your business.
We are dedicated to providing essential relief to communities in need. Whether it's offering support during times of crisis, ensuring access to basic necessities, or helping to bridge economic disparities, our mission is all about alleviating the burdens that communities face.
We aspire to play a pivotal role in building and developing these communities for the long term. By investing in infrastructure, education, economic opportunities, and social programs, we can empower communities to become self-sustaining and prosperous. We envision a future where every community is a hub of growth and well-being, and our commitment to this vision drives our tireless efforts. With your support and our shared dedication, we can foster resilience, growth, and prosperity in the communities we serve, ultimately contributing to a brighter future for all.
Faith-Based Giving
Malachi 3:10 (King James Bible) instructs us: 'Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.'
We draw inspiration from this passage and align our beliefs with the principle of giving to ensure there is 'meat in the house.' Our commitment extends to supporting faith-based organizations, causes, churches, and missionaries, not for personal gain, but to provide for those in need and serve a higher purpose. We believe that by being faithful stewards and using our resources to bless others, we open ourselves to the abundant blessings of the Lord, which overflow for the betterment of individuals, businesses, and communities.